how I build this blog
I will use tag more than headings, tag is better for searching and can avoid nested hierarchy, also it's easier to create a tag than decide a heading.
I will log my digital life so I will be more trackable rather than opaque. Digital world is a water surface for users, I want to change this.
There are three fonts used in this blog, they almost took 20MB.
I need use font-display: swap;
so the downloading of the font won't block (opens in a new tab) the text showing up.
@font-face {
font-family: "Klee One Regular";
src: url("/fonts/KleeOne-Regular.ttf") format("truetype");
font-weight: 400;
font-style: normal;
font-display: swap;
make VSCode spell check work for mdx
- Open an MDX file.
Ctrl + Shift + p
Enable Spell Checking Document Language
If using vscode ssh, need to install Code Spell Checker extension in ssh again(there will be a button Install in SSH:
make image showing
If I have a mdx file in a folder, eg. archived/ielts.mdx
, I need to use src="../images/name of the image"
to make it showing.
I have to use export
to define a variable/constant.
export const photos = [
If I use const photos
it will give me error.
nextra 和 vercel 结合生成 bug
tldr: 在 vercel 里设置 environment variable
我也不知怎么回事,也许 nextra 的 static site generation 和 vercel cache 产生奇妙反应,侧边栏就会出现类似 stale state 的现象。
我试试这篇文章推上去,让 vercel 自动 deploy 看看会不会有问题。
据说要 把 remote caching 关了 (opens in a new tab)
还是要 设置环境变量来跳过 build cache (opens in a new tab)
EDIT (14th Oct 2022): The
env var now exists! Set this to1
and the build cache will be skipped.
终于, 原神亲自启动 了。
install tailwind CSS
import type { AppProps } from "next/app";
import "../globals.css"; // this must be put here
export default function App({ Component, pageProps }: AppProps) {
return <Component {...pageProps} />;
Install Tailwind CSS with Next.js (opens in a new tab)
这些 没有文档记录的东西 (opens in a new tab) ,不知哪天就会 Move fast , break things!
add RSS support
I found that there are a rss generator of nextra blog theme, I'm gonna give it a try.
create script/gen-rss.js
, fill it with gen-rss.js (opens in a new tab)
modify package.json
add the rss generation to build command
"build": "node ./scripts/gen-rss.js && next build",
add new dependencies
"gray-matter": "^4.0.3",
"rss": "^1.2.2"
install dependencies and run of course it won't work, I'm using the nextra doc theme, it doesn't have frontmatterbuild
finally I managed to publish the feed.xml
, but there isn't any title & content! But it can give the notification anyway. Move fast!
back to top
to do
environment variable
create .env.local
and use it like process.env.SOME_ENV
For safari, video tag (opens in a new tab) should have playsinline
, otherwise it will jump out to fullscreen. If using JSX, maybe should (opens in a new tab) use webkit-playsinline={true}
<div className='flex flex-col items-center justify-center'>
<video className='w-full h-auto md:w-80' autoPlay muted loop
playsinline webkit-playsinline={true}>
<source src="videos/ezgif-7-53636bcd6f.mp4" type="video/mp4" />
Your browser does not support the video tag.
<Caption children={"《天下无贼》中找到了生活的其他部分的劫匪"} />
Friend with iPhone 12 says that it's still not working. The video still jump out. Okay, I'll go back to gif. Feck it (opens in a new tab).
看了看 svelte4 ,据说 又要 svelte5 (opens in a new tab) ,语法大改动。也许 用无聊的技术 (opens in a new tab) 是对的,你还在各种技术栈反复横跳, jquery 都 4 beta 了 (opens in a new tab) , PHP 都兰博基尼了 (opens in a new tab) 。