Read Htdp

读《How to Design Programs》


DRAGON QUEST XI – “Opening Movie” (opens in a new tab)


  • Preface

preface (opens in a new tab) ,前言

里面提到本书用的语言 DrRacket ,一个 (全(是(括(号)))) 的语言

  • Prologue: How to Program

prologue (opens in a new tab) ,序言,开场白

里面主要进行一场诈骗: 你是一个程序员了!才怪!

  • I Fixed-Size Data



  • Intermezzo 1: Beginning Student Language

intermezzo (opens in a new tab) ,间奏曲,音乐术语


  • II Arbitrarily Large Data

Arbitrarily (opens in a new tab) , 随随便便,没有什么规则的


主要讲了 list (通常被翻译成列表),也许和“没有什么规则的大量数据”有关。

  • Intermezzo 2: Quote, Unquote

又间奏,讲一堆,真无聊。听个间奏曲吧: Intermezzo - Manuel Maria Ponce (opens in a new tab)

  • III Abstraction


  • Intermezzo 3: Scope and Abstraction

间奏 3

scope 是个重要概念,等会看看它怎么讲

听个克罗地亚知性壮汉光脚演奏大提琴间奏曲吧: HAUSER - Intermezzo from Cavalleria Rusticana (opens in a new tab)

  • IV Intertwined Data

Intertwined (opens in a new tab) ,相互纠缠

这可了不得,第一节就是: S 表达式的诗

    19 The Poetry of S-expressions


  • Intermezzo 4: The Nature of Numbers

间奏 4 ,数字的基本法

听个长发帅哥间奏曲吧: Ryuichi Sakamoto (坂本龍一) - Intermezzo (opens in a new tab)

  • V Generative Recursion

Generative (opens in a new tab) ,生成式的

Recursion (opens in a new tab) ,递归

现在这两个词你都认识了,你来解释一下什么是 生成式的 递归

我搜了下 (opens in a new tab) ,没看懂

  • Intermezzo 5: The Cost of Computation

间奏 5 ,计算的代价

最后的间奏了,升华一下, 8 分钟的《诗的间奏曲》,倒杯茶慢慢听: Poetic Intermezzo (opens in a new tab)

  • VI Accumulators

Accumulator (opens in a new tab)累加器 (opens in a new tab)


  • Epilogue: Moving On

epilogue (opens in a new tab)伪声 (opens in a new tab) 尾声

好了,看完了。是不是只记住了间奏曲?编程没意思, 搞搞艺术! (opens in a new tab)

Do not shoot this.